Rogue Media Drops – Friday, March 29th!

BWAAA! A King of the Hill Podcast – That Ain’t Right Friday: How have the Characters Changed?

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Know Waco – Little Foot Farms

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Jennifer Love Hewitt, Please Be On Our Show – JLH forms S.P.E.C.T.R.A.L.: The Ghost Hunters

Found Sound – THE TAPES: Walk Across Texas

Ned Hillsdale Private Detective and the Parade From Hell

True Crime Cat Lawyer – Jerry Brudos – aka the “Lust Killer” or “Shoe Fetish Slayer.”

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Central Texas Events with Ann Harder – Body of Christ Community Clinic

You Must Be Thinking of Another Podcast – Friday Round Up 3-29-24

Teach Me Pokémon – The Final Tourney for Mew with Top 8 Finisher at Vancouver, Collin Merli-Matthews

The Triple Option

Sic’Em 365 Sports

KWTX Cen-Tex Daily News

KWTX Daily 4

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